Specialist Sales & Service Manager – Cruise SalesI completed 3 years at University studying Tourism & Event Management before I started at Iglu as a Sales Agent. During my Sales Agent years, I was lucky enough to have some amazing FAM trips, and reap the rewards with the commission scheme which led me to get my mortgage for my own home.
After having 1 successful year as a Sales Agent, I progressed to a Senior Sales Agent which then opened my eyes to wanting to further my career here at Iglu. I reached out to advise that I had an interest in progression and then I received lots of support to assist with my growth. Not long afterward the opportunity arrived to become an Assistant Sales Manager, this then led me to where I am now overseeing Tailor Made, I am now the Sales and Service Manager of the Hand-Crafted Specialist Team, also working closely with commercial and the after-sales for our customers.