ESG at Iglu
Iglu are committed to sustainability and reducing our impact on the environment, whether this is our own direct use of energy and resources, or through the ongoing work of our cruise line partners and cruise industry as a whole.
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We are always aiming to be the best employer we can be. We take mental health, wellbeing and diversity seriously, with many initiatives and policies to support and implement our dedication to our people.
We monitor and maintain our high standards through regular assessments, engagement, technology innovation and compliance led by our diverse Senior Leadership Team.

We understand the impact and importance of carbon emissions. Due to the nature of our business we areas of impact; direct and through the holidays we sell. We work closely with our suppliers and industry bodies to keep well informed of their environmental strategies so we can actively advise our customers on their choices. We are proud to work with many front-runners among cruise lines including MSC, Virgin Voyages and Royal Caribbean, all with their own robust ESG strategies and missions.
CLIA - the Cruise Line International Association, is leading the wider industry to make significant changes in their fleet, including a 16% reduction in CO2 emissions since 2018. CLIA are also championing the industry's moves to alternative fuels including LNG which is already being used by 13% of global cruise capacity and over the next 5 years there will be significantly more. There are many more innovations being introduced including water production on board ships.
We manage and maintain our own carbon footprint within our office facilities, and are moving office location in 2025 to an office with more energy efficiency. We have a mix of office based, hybrid and home working staff, with our electrical energy consumption falling in the lower quartile for the sector.
We have recently completed our first Net Zero Policy with an aim towards net zero in 2030 for Iglu and 2050 for all our customers.

We continue to increase our investment in and enhanced our employee engagement strategy, which centres around our staff feeling informed, heard and included. We have celebrated diversity, given training on unconscious bias, created new ways to feedback and conducted a thorough review of all our policies.
We regularly survey our colleagues and act upon their suggestions. We have also developed a strong group of Mental Health First Aiders, have mental health resources and a wellbeing toolkit all readily available to staff. Our staff benefits have also been enhanced to include better health provision through Simply Health, offering 24 hour GP access, counselling, wellbeing support, cash back on medical appointments and more.
Some of our additional initiatives include:
- Iglu Voice - bringing together all our employee listening and feedback, including regular surveys and continuous suggestion box.
- An HR Masterclass programme giving all our managers a deeper understanding of people management
- Education and celebration of diversity, including focuses on mental health, and our LGBTQ+ community. More focus topics will be included soon.
- Unconscious bias training rolled out to all staff
- A thorough review and enhancement of our benefits package and the introduction of Simply Health, a medical cash back benefit.
- A review of all our current policies to make improvements and additions. We have recently added a Menopause Policy, a Work from Anywhere Allowance and updated our hybrid working policy.

This area is owned by our senior leadership team, who pledge to:
Monitor and review existing governance structures and practice against industry benchmarks and regulations
Provide training to the business’ senior leadership to ensure they are well equipped in their job roles, and their responsibility as people managers. In particular we have embarked on a programme of HR Masterclasses to cover all aspects of people management and a Leadership development program across our most senior leaders.
Complete regular assessments of our risk management procedures, to identify and mitigate risks within our business objectives.
Continue in our efforts to encourage employee engagement and collaboration.
Monitor our compliance with regard to all relevant laws and regulations and ensure our internal policies are aligned and corrected as required.
Regularly evaluate the performance of our top level decision makers, to identify areas of improvement and ensure alignment with the company’s strategic direction.
Be a front runner in technology and cyber security, staying one-step ahead in protection of our company assets and information. Ensuring all staff have the necessary training in order to play their part in our security measures.
Maintain regular succession planning for key executive positions to ensure continuity within our leadership.